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Noteworthy: Atlanta Birth Center

bathroom in atlanta birth center

Interview with Anjli Hinman, CNM, FNP,  MPH – Co-Founder & Midwife Director

We had the opportunity to sit down  with Anjli Hinman to talk about Atlanta  Birth Center (ABC) and its important mission.

Atlanta Birth Center opened in 2016 and has been CABC-accredited since  2017. It was founded as a 501c3 non profit organization by Anjli and 2 col leagues. When asked why the birth  center opened, Anjli noted that it was due to encouragement from consumers who wanted a birth center in Atlanta and told her that she and her colleagues were the perfect people to make that happen. ABC is the only free standing birth center in Atlanta and one of only 3 in the state of Georgia.

ABC’s client population is increasingly diverse, with 48.5% Black clients and 30% Medicaid recipients last year.

A tribute to the work this birth center is doing is seen in their data, which show no differences in outcomes by race for birth center births or hospital births after transfer.

What are you most proud of about your birth center? 

Definitely the staff. They are hard working and committed to our mission. Also proud of the important impact that we are having in our community. ABC is actively working to diversify their midwifery staff and push forward in our anti-racism work.

What exciting things are happening  at ABC? 

ABC has a new Executive Director after 2- years with interim leaders. Tamara Taitt has a perfect background for this role,  with a long career focusing on reducing perinatal health disparities, improving  black infant health, and implementing fetal infant mortality reviews. She has practiced midwifery in community birth settings, founded her own birth center, and served on several national boards, including the Midwives Alliance of North America and the Foundation for the Advancement of Midwifery.

Part of Tamara’s work will be focused on  fundraising and searching for a new future location. ABC’s lease ends in just over  3-years and they need more space to enable them to provide the wrap-around services needed by their community.

ABC is re-engaging with community  organizations post-COVID. They recently participated in Black Maternal Health Week Community Block Party calling attention to disparities in perinatal outcomes by race in the U.S. ABC shows how birth centers can help  to address this pervasive problem in  authentic and persistent ways.

Why do you think it is important  for your Birth Center to be CABC accredited? 

“We believe in standards and a culture of holistic safety. It is important that birth centers be held accountable, continue rigorous quality assessment and improvement, and work collectively with other birth centers to elevate our voice and impact.”

CABC-accreditation gives legitimacy  to our model and improves access for  our clients by increasing the number of payers who cover our services.

What advice do you have for someone who is thinking of opening a birth center? 

“Ask for help. I’m here for you.” It is so important that we always advocate for each other in this hard and important work that we are doing.

“It is imperative to figure out how to  do the work of equity and create the space for that work. It takes courage, risk, and humility.”

What is Your Birth Center’s  Greatest Challenge? 

Money. It is a constant struggle to have the resources needed for current and future programs, and for recruiting and retaining midwives and staff. This is especially true when trying to increase the number of BIPOC birth workers in the birth center setting that since they already experience more systemic barriers to practice in the community setting.

ABC recently received a grant and forgivable loan from Birth Center  Equity that will help to provide resources to continue the birth center’s equity work.

With 30% or more of clients whose payment method is Medicaid, working to increase Medicaid reimbursement rates is an ongoing process.

What Inspires You?  

“A daily conviction that our families and communities today and in the future deserve so much better. And that healing and liberation is possible. I feel so blessed to work with a team at ABC that aligns with those values and commitment. It is the work of a lifetime.”